Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jif Omega-3 Awesomeness in a Jar

My son has Apraxia. It's a neuro-processing and oral motor coordination affliction which manifests in the form of a speech delay. I have been giving him DHA supplements for approximately 23 months, roughly the same amount of time he has been in speech therapy.
He is sick of the funny tasting fishy DHA gummy supplements, only eats one certain flavor of the gel caps, and woe is me if I forget which flavor. Because I am out another $20.
Another challenge for us is that Bubbles will only eat about 12 foods. So finding the correct and ample sources for DHA is a challenge. Luckily, one of the foods he will eat, is peanut butter.

So, when a rep from Jif contacted me, asking if I would like to try out their new Jif Omega-3 peanut butter, I jumped on the chance! I even tweeted that this peanut butter could possible change the world. At least, my world. The only question remaining was: Would he eat it?

The package came, looking identical to other Jif jars, but for the bright green lid identifying the brain cell enhancers inside the jar ready to do their stuff.
The ingredients looked suspect: anchovy oil? sardine oil? Oh sure, they claimed to be 'tasteless sources of DHA' but even I have burped up fish oil when the source was 'tasteless' going down. Truthfully, I doubt that I would have taken the chance on the jar of peanut butter with fish oil listed in the ingredients. But because Smuckers loves poor single writing mothers knows how to woo a mommy who happens to be a blogger, I didn't have to buy this jar. They sent me one for Apraxia Boy, when I told them how I had been feeding him Omega 3s in various forms.

First thing I made was nutty buddies. Take some rice/corn/wheat chex-style cereal coat it in peanut butter, melted chocolate, and powdered sugar (which my kids have no idea is cut with a 50% blend of vanilla protein powder), and my kids will eat it. They sucked it down like anteaters. But straight peanut butter was going to be the true test.
Even I would eat fish peanut butter with chocolate in it, right?
I kept sniffing the jar for fish smells.
Nothing but peanuts. Seriously yummy smelling, and I finally couldn't resist. I sniffed, grabbed a spoon, and surfed in.
This stuff is good.
I mean, really good.
And I am picky. Almost as picky as my kids.
I swallowed, waiting for the fishy after taste and burps.
No fish.
(I confess, I did eventually burp, but it was a very peanutty burp!)
I slapped that Jif on some bread and tossed into the bentos the next day.
One child likes jam and the other one thinks jam is a tool of the devil so he got the straight stuff.
I am pleased to report that only the crusts came back!!
Two tablespoons of Jif Omega-3 Peanut Butter provide a combined total of 32mg of DHA and EPA. You can easily get 2 Tablespoons on a sandwich.

Oh, and thank you, Jif, for not putting high fructose corn syrup in my kids' peanut butter!

We give it a six thumbs up from this family of three.


kitrona said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! Thank you for the review; that's the next peanut butter we're getting for sure! I'm so glad it worked for you and your kids!

Alexicographer said...

Great stuff; I've been eating another good-oily peanut butter (maybe not fish, but omega 3s -- are all of those fish? I forget...), cannot now think of the name, but I'll look for this one; if it's less expensive, I'll try it.

Mama Deb said...

Good to know! Like you, I'm giving up on the au naturale p.b. and heading back to good ol' Jif. As much as I want to love the natural stuff, it just doesn't taste very good!
And too weird...I just got all of the ingredients for nutty buddies and was going to make them today!

Rachel Inbar said...

I LOVE the review :-) I wish we could get JIF over here.