Monday, November 24, 2008

Seat Snug

When I heard about the SeatSnug product, I was more than interested.

(I was all, "ME ME ME! PICK ME!")

Supergirl is seven years old and weighs forty two pounds soaking wet. She is about 45 inches tall. She is, in a word, a peanut.
We will be in the world of booster seats for a long time to come.

I was excited to try it out, being all about The Safety, and truthfully, since Supergirl moved from an internal harness booster to one which uses just a regular seatbelt, I have been threatening to put her back in her old one. She leans forward to grab anything, stretches the seatbelt out here and there, and generally has no respect for the seatbelt whatsoever. Conversely, her little brother yells, "NO BUCKLED! BUCKLE ME! BUCKLE UP!!" if he is put in his carseat for thirty seconds without being buckled immediately. There are no variations on this law for him. (ABA how do I love thee, let me count the ways...)
So I was secretly hoping to use this as my latest weapon and last stand before stopping by the CHP to show them how she won't sit in her carseat which is my usual threat putting her back in her old, internal harness carseat.

Finally our postal person delivered the shiny new object! I think our mail route is served by a snowshoe-wearing octegenarian ninja, but I cannot confirm this, as ninjas are...well, ninjas. The object was satisfactorily shiny. (Mmmmm.....purple!)

If you are one of those non-direction following people, this is not for you. You will NEVER MAKE IT through the installation process.
READ the instructions, WATCH the video, and for best results, watch the video on your laptop in your car as your install it.

Practice buckling this thing in and out of your seatbelt before you have to actually go anywhere. You will not be able to remove it, and you may not be able to use it properly, and you may swear in front of your children, and this would be undesirable.
Practice pressing the on/off switch also, as this is what allows me to buckle it in to my car. In our Scion, the buckle will not engage unless I switch it off. After I have buckled her in, I switch it back on. This was frustrating until I got the hang of it, but does not in any way compromise my overall satisfaction with it's safety enhancement! The end goal of safety was reached, so that is my priority.

Overall impression:
AWESOME! I am ordering another one for Bubbles' carseat!

Modeled by my ten year old friend, who also says, "It's fine!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We love ours, too! Seatsnug has changed the dynamic of the backseat of our car! I am going to purchase another for my husband's car, too! Thanks for your informative review!